Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

library elf discontinued

RPL began using Library Elf at a time when many of the features Elf provided were unavailable to us. As the software we use for our Library Services became more advanced, these features were added and we felt it was unnecessary to continue purchasing a premium subscription for Library Elf.

As customers indicate that they received a notice from Library Elf, please enter their email into TLC and make them aware of the following: 

Email notifications are quick and easy using TLC.  Customers provide us with their email account and the system automatically generates notices on upcoming due dates, past due and arrived holds.

Parents and spouses may share pin numbers or email accounts to enable one or the other to monitor due dates, late fees, or arrived holds.

Using our catalog's home page, customers enter their library card and pin number to create lists, check holds, cancel pending holds and generally monitor their account activity.

Information for our customers will be distributed tomorrow and in the newsletters.  Thank you for helping get the word out!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

find your stride

"Find Your Stride" was met with enthusiasm and
perfect weather for a walk around the library!

Click here to download handouts

This concludes the Learn.Act.Grow. series.  Many
thanks to Joan Cress (South) for her creativity and
hard work in planning these excellent workshops, and
to RPL management for their support. We had a total
attendance of 202 people with 11 people attending
four or more workshops.  Thanks to all RPL staff
for helping promote these events!

Friday, May 16, 2014

cheerwine music hour commercial

Check out this short video of our latest Cheerwine Music Hour Commercial, featuring two of RPL's finest actresses, Pam Bloom and Marian Lytle!

This is a Library Cop Production (c) 2014.

save the date 05-19-14

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

biometric screening appointment

It's that time of year again.  All full-time, benefited employees who participate in the county's Wellness Plan must complete an online risk assessment and sign up for the annual biometric screening.  Screenings will be held at RPL Headquarters on Thurs, June 5th and Fri, June 6th.  Sign up here to reserve your appointment.  The Health Risk Assessment must be completed by May 27th.  Employees who choose not to participate in the Wellness Plan will not receive the $25/mo. discount on premiums.  Please contact Novant Health at 704-414-5435 if you have trouble signing up.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

tech tip: the "find" function

The "Find" Function: Behold the power of Ctrl + F

Did you know that holding down the Control (Ctrl) and F keys at the same time will bring up a box where you can search a page or document?  Let's say you're searching for the answer to the question of whether or not beans are known to provide a good source of protein in your diet in the Spark 16 newsletter.  You could (and at some point should) read the newsletter cover to cover, or you could hit Ctrl + F and search for the word "beans" or "protein" to go straight to the answer. 

Try it the next time you're looking for a specific topic in a 300 page PDF user manual, or needing to find and replace a misspelled word in a document.  It'll save you so much time you'll wonder where Ctrl + F has been all of your life!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

tech tip: Address Bar vs. Search Bar

Each website has a unique address (called a URL).  For the library, our URL is  If you know the specific URL you would like to visit, you can type it directly into the Address bar ( 1  above).  If you know you did not know the library's URL, you could type Rowan Public Library into the Search Bar ( above) and choose from a list of results.  If your Internet browser does not have a search bar, you can also type (or any other search engine) into the Address Bar and use Google's search bar ( above) to search for the library's website.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

tech tip: what is cloud storage?

If you've ever watched TV or played around on the Internet, you've probably heard the term Cloud Storage being used.  According to Wikipedia, cloud storage is defined as the model of networked enterprise storage where data is stored in virtualized pools of storage which are generally hosted by third parties. Which is a nerdy wordy way to say those pictures and videos you take on your phone; all the names and numbers in your contact list; spreadsheets and documents; music playlists; and more can be stored in one central place yet accessed anywhere you go where you have an Internet connection.

Cloud storage hosts can include popular cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and iCloud.  Patrons working on projects or papers may find cloud storage to be a great solution--it's quick, easy to sign up, and free (for most accounts).

Want to learn more? has a free class with four mini-lessons (less than 25 minutes total).  You'll be introduced to Cloud Storage, Dropbox, Sharing in the Cloud, and Googledrive and Skydrive.  This can be completed on work time, so ask your supervisor and take a peek!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

annual book sale

We're gearing up for another great RPL Book Sale!
Thanks to all the volunteers and staff who are putting
in time to help make this sale the best one yet!

rowan reading rendezvous 2014

We had a great line-up of authors for RRR 2014!
A big thank you to the Friends for sponsoring and staffing
this fundraiser to help support our library.

Jason Mott, who was originally scheduled to appear at RRR 2014,
made a special appearance on April 28th to discuss The Returned.
Thanks to RPL Staff and Friends for putting on this event!

outdoor exploration

Another great workshop in the Learn.Act.Grow. series led by
Bob Pendergrass, Nature Center Supervisor at Dan Nicholas.
We had campfire-inspired snacks for the young and young
at heart.  If you've never been, Bob recommends visiting
Eagle Point Nature Preserve and Dunn's Mountain Park.

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