Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Funny

In the previous issue of WebJunction's monthly newsletter, Crossroads, library staff were asked, What's the most interesting question you've been asked by a patron?  Here are some of the funniest they've received thus far:
"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Clark Kent?"
"Where is your machine that sanitizes the library book pages?"
"How do you make Jello shots?"
"Whose car is that out there in the parking lot with all that stuff in it?"
"What is Google?"
"How do I find my lost hedgehog?"
WebJunction will be sharing additional responses on Facebook and Twitter, so be sure to tell them the most interesting question you've been asked by a patron (and I know there have been a few good ones at RPL).

1 comment:

  1. My favorite question asked at Circ HQ with our huge beautiful staircase right in the middle of the space is, "How do I get upstairs?"


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