Wednesday, December 11, 2013

problem solving activity

How should we respond to patrons who dispute their fines because they did not receive an email reminder?
Answer:  Not receiving an email reminder does not negate their responsibility to return books on time.  Upon check out they received a date due slip and our policy is that books are due two weeks from the date of the circulation.  Be courteous and offer to verify their email address, also suggest that they check their spam folder to insure that the emails are not being dumped there.  Sometimes when email providers  push out a new upgrade this will  send the TLC emails to the spam folder.

Who do we call when there is an after hours technology problem.  If it is x8500, why do they act like we shouldn’t be calling them to get in touch with Information Systems?
Answer:  This is from the folks at IT.  Call the after hour number, tell them it is not an emergency and request to speak to a supervisor.  The 8500 extension serves all areas of county government so we are competing with real EMS stuff.  Explain to the supervisor who you are and the situation they will then get our IT person on call to handle it.  Usually the IT person will call you back within a few minutes.

What is the proper procedure for accepting a donation that the patron wants added to the collection with a book plate?  Do we tell them it may or may not be added (at the discretion of the selector)?  If so, what happens if they say they want it back if we don’t add it?
Answer:   Be gracious and thank them for their generosity.  From the letter acknowledging gifts:
"These items will be evaluated as to appropriateness for the library’s collection.  If they are not added they will be given to the Friend of Rowan Public Library for their book sale.  Due to the number of donated materials received, gifts cannot be returned to the donor."  If the patron does not seem satisfied with this answer please refer them to your supervisor.  The selectors should not be put on the spot in such situations.

Is there a limit on how many materials not owned (formally ILL) requests we can take at a time for one patron?  Can we send ILL requests directly to Vanessa when the requested book or item is out of print and or too expensive for the library to purchase?
  Patrons may place up to 3 ILL requests at a time.  All ILL requests regardless of price or availability go to the selector.  Please refer to the Staff Blog for complete details.

What should I do if a book is lost?
Answer:  If a patron has lost a book:  From patron’s account highlight the material.  Go to  the bottom of the screen in the middle section and indicate mark lost.  Click on Go.  A replacement fee will be automatically be added to the patrons account.  If you cannot find the book and you have verified that it is not at any other location:  Go to check in screen, look to the right for special status, select this item only,  enter the missing book’s barcode, a new screen will appear, select MS: missing staff action  If the book were being pull for a patron then you would choose another copy to reserve for the patron.   TLC will give you the option to place a hold or it can do it automatically.  If it is the last copy then the information/request needs to go to the selector.  Then fill out a blue slip and send to Sherri.

What if a patron is looking at inappropriate material on his own computer? 
Answer:  Regardless of the ownership of the device RPL’s Disruptive Patron and Acceptable Use policy  is in place.  Internet use will be managed in a manner consistent with the Library’s Disruptive Behavior Policy.
The following actions will not be allowed:
•    accessing, sending, or displaying inappropriate, obscene, or disruptive messages, files, or images
•    using obscene language
•    changing  or adding files to the network
•    harassing, insulting, or attacking others
•    violating copyright laws or software license restrictions
•    unauthorized access, including “hacking,” and other unlawful activities online
•    unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors
Violations to these rules may result in a loss of access or library privileges, as well as appropriate legal action.

What is the proper procedure to follow if you witness two patrons in a heated argument?  Call a manager first?  Ask them to leave?  What do you do if they ignore you?  At what point do you ask for names so you can fill out an incident report?
Answer:  There is no one set answer for this question.  Your response depends on the situation and the staffing at the time of the incident.  If the people are loud then it falls under the disruptive patron policy.  If there is imminent threat of violence call 911 then contact a supervisor.  Please review the Disruptive Patron Policy, Procedures and Guidelines.

What to do when patrons have overdue books that can’t be renewed and they want to get on the computer?  Payment?  Or override in computer lab?
  Patron must pay $1.00 which will not go towards any accumulated fines.  This is considered a Privilege of Use fee.    If paying at HQ circulation they need a slip to take to the Computer Lab to show proof of payment.  We need this income.

What is the procedure for putting notes in a patron’s account?  How long must we wait to delete the message?
  Notes should be brief and concise to a situation not addressed by other flags or procedures.  Always date and initial the note.  Once a situation is resolved it may be removed.  Some notes will stay indefinitely.  If there are questions concerning a note please refer it to your supervisor.

What procedure to follow when patron brings in a copy of a book to replace one that has been made lost?  [This should not be offered to patrons but if they initiate we may follow these quidelines.]
Answer:  Procedure for replacement items brought in by patrons from the Blog:
Item must be exact item (same ISBN). Explain to patron that there is a $4 processing fee.
1.       From Check Out screen, check box next to item.
At bottom of screen, choose “Print Selected Items” > Go. Save this slip to attach to “Tech” slip.
2.       Check item in using barcode number of item being replaced. Do not make “Lost”.
This will also add late fees if required.
3.       Add $4 processing fee to patron’s account. (Use the “New Charge” button on Charges screen. Scroll down to  “Patron charge for processing replacement material”.)
4.       On Check In screen, use Special Status to change item status to “Repair: Tech Svcs”
5.       Fill out Tech Serv. Slip stating under “Other:” that it is a replacement copy and print the title or barcode of the item. Attach the slip from step 1 to the Tech slip.

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